Start of the 2ª. Phase in the clearing of historic paths

Foto antic camí de la Figuera a Cabacés

The Priorat County Council, within the Foment de Turisme grant, is continuing work on clearing and signing the ancient paths of the region.

This project, now in its second year has started to clear the following paths:

• Ancient path between Bellmunt del Priorat and Gratallops.
• Ancient path between la Figuera and Cabacés.
• Ancient path between Cornudella and Siurana
• Ancient path between la Vilella Alta and the Consolació Hermitage.
• Path of  Cingle Gran de la Bisbal de Falset.
• Gr-174 between Bellmunt del Priorat and Falset.

The aim of the project, as well as recovering local heritage which had fallen into disuse, is to set up a network of paths and intineraries which will enable hikers to discover the natural heritage of the Montsant and Llaberia mountain ranges. These routes are aimed at cultural hiking as well as the discovery of the vineyards and olive groves of the Oloive Oil and Wine Trails.

The Priorat County Council will be working in different points around the whole of the region so as to allow each and every village to be visited.