This route is sponsored by the rural house Cal Porxo in Pradell de la Teixeta
From Pradell de la Teixeta up to the hills along Els Abeuradors path to return along the Coma Tornera dry river bed
Suggestions: This is a short route, apt for children who like walking. Pradell has an extensive and valuable dry stone wall heritage and this route will take you to see some of its finest examples. During the summer, we recommend you avoid the hotter hours of the day.
People say that olive trees need the same intense summer heat that the rice fields need in order to ripen their fruit later on. There aren't any rice fields in Pradell, but there are Arbequina variety olives which produce a delicate olive oil. Many trees are to be found close to the village as if they enjoyed the company of those who carefully pick their olives every winter. By being so close, these trees are also sheltered from the bitter North-west wind which can be bitingly cold during the colder winters. At the top of the mountain range, we can make out the “crestes” or bare rock cliffs dotted with struggling pine trees and offering generous views over the far-off Mediterranean Sea and the flatlands below, where traditionally goats and sheep would have grazed.
The beginning of this trail is to be found at the lower end of the village in Carrer del Barranquet (Barranquet Street) which joins the farm track (metalled) which we follow at first (to our left there is a ramp leading upwards) (1). As soon as you leave the village you will have a spectacular view of the valley, full of olive and almond trees. We stay on the track despite a right hand cobbled track leading off to our right (2) and another track again on our right (3) which we come to a little further on. Keep straight on heading eastwards.
At the crossroads, we take the right hand turn (4). The one we have in front of us is the one we will be returning on. Most of this path follows the former way heading towards the Abeuradors (animal drinking troughs). As the path climbs upwards, the area’s recent history becomes clear to us. There are many abandoned dry stone walls known as "marges" which are slowly being reclaimed by the forest.
Steep climbs are mixed with gentle uphills, which enable the walker to easily reach the Pradell mountain range where there is a great view as well as a very modern wind farm (5). At the crossroads, we take the left hand path towards the Coll de la Teixeta. There follows a few metres of steep downhill where we come to a curious old dry stone wall on the left hand side of the old way.
The route continues along the ridge until the next intersection (6), where we take the path which descends on the left towards the village of Pradell de la Teixeta. This path gently takes us parallel to the Coma Tornera dry river bed with parts of ancient cobbled areas and take the same farm track back to our starting point in the village.