A route following much of the old road that used to link the villages of La Vilella Baixa and La Figuera. It still has some stone-paved sections recalling the time when this was a much-travelled route. It follows signposting by the Montsant nature park.
(WP1) The ascent from La Vilella Baixa to La Figuera takes about an hour and 20 minutes, covering 4 km with a height difference of 360 m. As far as La Figuera the route follows much of the old road that used to link the two villages. It follows one of the Montsant nature park routes, and is marked with yellow paint.
Start from the Pont Gran, the bridge over the river Montsant in La Vilella Baixa. Instead of crossing the river, take the path up the bank beneath the houses of La Vilella Baixa. Pass beside the workshop where the Vaqué family prepares Easter palm leaves and leave the reed bed to go up the cemented ramp leading up to the road from La Vilella Baixa to Cabacés. Before getting to the road, turn left onto the old path running parallel beneath it (WP3). After a short distance take the dirt track (WP5) descending from the road to cross the river (WP7). After crossing the river, carry on along the path leading to the Mas de la Plantadeta, which rejoins the old mule track leading to La Figuera, via the grau (a local name for a route up through rocks or cliffs) of the same name. Ignore the path on the left leading to the Mas de la Plantadeta and carry on to the right, following the old path between drystone walls. After a straight section, the path enters a wood and starts to zig-zag up towards the grau. Most of the path used to be paved, and despite severe erosion in many places, it still shows how important it was in the past.
(WP12) Once over the grau you come to the Escambellat path. Follow it to the right and very soon you come to a fork. (WP13) The old path continues to the left. This a recently-restored stretch, which is particularly interesting and evokes the days when this was the main route between the two villages. Ignore the path to the right, which connects with the minor road coming up from the T-702 (WP14). Carry on uphill, following the minor road to La Figuera, where it joins the road crossing the village.