The route begins next to the Cooperative building (WP1). As far as the Coll Major it is waymarked as a GR (in red and white paint). Take the Horta path, paved and enclosed between stone walls, leading to the river Cortiella. Cross the river (WP2) and go uphill along the farm track. Very soon you come to the old "camí ral" or road from Porrera to Falset which sets off straight ahead (WP3).
Some parts of the old mule track are still stone-paved (WP4), though time, water and unfortunately motorcycles have taken their toll. The route winds its way up, through old hillside vineyards and newer plantations. When you reach the small pass of La Sentiu (WP5), it is just a few metres to the road. Soon you come to a farm track on the right which goes down towards the stream bed and roughly follows the route of the old path (WP6).
The Mas del Porrerà farmhouse is clearly visible in front of you. Carry on along this farm track around a couple of wide loops to pass close by the farmhouse (WP8). Carry on going uphill following the wide track leading to the pass named Coll Major (WP10).
From here, the view over Porrera and the Cortiella valley is magnificent. Behind you are Montsant and the Gritella range. Turn right and go along a pleasant, level path westwards, along the side of the hill. When you come to a junction (WP11), ignore the private path to the right, which also leads down to Porrera, connecting different properties. Carry on straight ahead to come out very soon on the wide pass of Els Masos (WP12).
The Masos d’en Cubells path goes off to the right, initially leading into a vineyard. Just as you get to the first vines, you come to the old mule track which goes down to the left (WP13). Soon you will see some elegant, wide zig-zags flanked by drystone walls. The path comes out onto a farm track (WP14) which you follow down, passing between almond trees.
Further down, the path turns left and in front of you is the mule track once more (WP15); this descends, following the top of the shoulder. You come to the farm track again; cross it and carry on downhill (WP16). Very close to the bottom of the valley, you cross another path and carry on going down (WP17). You come to the last terrace before the stream bed (WP18). Leave the old path that goes downhill, then cross it again and turn left to cross the terrace towards the small building in front of you (with a sign to Celler cal Pla). You pass by an old lime kiln and, below the building, you come to a concrete footbridge over the stream bed (WP19). On the other side is a farm track (WP20) which goes through some magnificent vineyards and leads straight to the point where the old road to Falset starts (WP3). Cross the Cortiella to get back to your starting point.