Ajuntament d'Ulldemolins
Plaça de la Vila, s/n
43363 Ulldemolins Tarragona
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Pl. de l’Església, 2
Tel: (+34) 977 561 578
Ulldemolins is the most northerly village in the county, in the valley of the river Montsant. This valley turns into a deep gorge between the southern slopes of the Llena hills and the northern side of the Montsant massif.
Sports area, swimming pool, library, civic centre, tourist office, leisure area, hostel-restaurant, holiday apartments, campsite, restaurants, cake shop, and a farm shop.
Highlights of local food include “truita amb suc” (omelette in sauce), made with spinach or beans or both, olive oil, sugared almonds, “orelletes” (thin, sweet fried biscuits), “coca” (sweet flatbread) with pine kernels, “torron” (nougat) and “pa de galet” (sweet bread rolls).
The gastronomic “Truita amb Suc” (omelette in sauce) festival is well-known. This features an omelette in sauce competition and tasting, and is held on the second weekend in March.
Around 15th August there is a festivity in honour of the Assumption of Our Lady. Over several days there are shows, popular competitions, dancing, clay pigeon shooting, sports competitions, cinema and a cultural week.
17th August is the festivity of Our Lady of Montsant, celebrated at the chapel of the same name. On Saint Bartholomew's day, 24th August, there is a walk to the chapel dedicated to this saint - it can only be reached on foot - and there is a mass and a communal lunch there.
The main village festivity is on the Sunday closest to 8th September. On 16th October, the day of Sant Galderic, patron of Catalan farmers, there is a mass, hymns are sung and produce is offered to the saint's statue. Flatbreads are handed out and there is a baking competition. Finally, 10th December sees the festivity of Our Lady of Loreto, when the Majorales group organise a ceremony in honour of the chapel's patron saint.
Places of interest include several chapels in and around the village: Sant Bartomeu (St. Bartholomew) is one of the best-preserved examples of Romanesque-style architecture in the county. It has a single nave and a semicircular apse dating from the 12th century. It can only be reached on foot, along the gorge of the Congost de Fraguerau. The chapel dedicated to Sant Antoni (St. Anthony) and Santa Bàrbara (St. Barbara) is a simple structure in a highly picturesque spot, with water and a range of facilities. That of Santa Magdalena (St. Mary Magdalene) is very similar to the parish church, as they were designed by the same architect. The chapel of Mare de Déu de Montsant (Our Lady of Montsant) is two hours' walk from the village and is the highest chapel on the massif. That of Verge de Loreto (Our Lady of Loreto) has a façade decorated with sgraffito and inside there are Byzantine-style murals painted in the mid-nineties.
The Renaissance-style church of Sant Jaume Apòstol (St. James the Great) was designed by the architect Father Joan Amigó, a native of the village.
Around Ulldemolins there are a host of beauty spots with names like La Fontalba, La Punta de la Galera, L’Albereda de l’Arçons, La Cova Santa, El Toll de l’Ou, El Tormo del Magre, La Roca Corbatera, El Molí d’en Vaquer, Les Crestes d’en Blai, La Punta del Peret, El Pi de la Carabasseta, El Congost del Fraguerau, La Font de la Gleva, La Roca Balladora, Els Tres Jurats Petits, Els Tres Jurats Grans, El Racó de la Pastera, La Cova de la Pastera and El Racó de Sant Bartomeu.
It can be reached by road from Reus on the N-420 (via Les Borges del Camp) and then the C-242 (via Cornudella); from Falset on the N-420 and then the T-7401 (via Porrera), the T-7402 (to La Venta d’en Pubill) and then C-242; from Les Garrigues on the C-242 and from Margalef on the T-7130 and then the C-242.